Monday, October 31, 2011

colourfull 17th birthday cupcakes

colourfull 17th birthday cupcakes for nathania

Order by : Ibu Ayin
Theme : Colorfull
Cakes and 55 Buttercream Cupcakes

The Cupcakes
Base Cupcakes : Brownies Kukus Chocolate
Frosting : Buttercream
Detail : Fondant Roses and Butterfly

The Cakes 
Size : 18 cm
Base Cake : 3 Layer Brownies Kukus Chocolate
Decor : Fondant

Happy 17th birthday Nath

jungle cakes

Jungle Cake
Order by : Anthie Arvianto
Base Cake : Red Velvet
Size : 20 cm
Decor : Fondant

NCC Chineese Food Week (CFW) ; Nasi Tim Daging Cincang

A project for NCC Chineese Food Week ; Nasi Tim Daging Cincang
Ini Resepnya

Bahan :
Nasi Tim
Beras 2 Cangkir
Ceker Ayam secukupnya dibuat Kaldu

Tumisan Daging Cincang
Minyak Goreng untuk menumis
 Daging Cincang 1/4 kg
Bawang Bombay 1 Butir
Bawang Putih 3-4 buah
Saos Tiram secukupnya
Bumbu Dapur (Garam, Lada, Gula) secukupnya
Daun Bawang Iris tipis

Kuah Nasi Tim
Ceker Ayam Secukupnya
Bumbu Dapur (Garam, Lada, Gula) secukupnya
Daun Bawang Iris tipis

Cara Membuat :
Nasi Tim :
Cuci Bersih Nasi dan masak dengan menggunakan magic com, Untuk Airnya Bisa menggunakan Air Kaldu

Tumisan Daging Cincang :
Panaskan minyak goreng secukupnya
Masukkan Bawang bombay hingga harum, baru masukkan bawang putih
Masukkan daging cincang, diamkan hingga matang
Beri saos tiram secukupnya
Tambahkan sedikir Air kaldu
Lalu Bumbui sesuai selera
Terakhir Masukkan Daun Bawang

Penyelesaian :
Letakkan 1 sdm / secukupnya tumisan daging cincang di dasar mangkok / pirex, baru kemudian nasi yang sudah matang, padatkan kemudian kukus sekitar 30 menit

Kuah Nasi Tim :
Rebus Ceker ayam dengan api kecil hingga menjadi kaldu, kemudian bumbui sesuai selera dan terakhir masukan irisan daun bawang

Untuk tumisan bisa diganti dengan ayam cincang, ditambahkan jamur kaleng dan lain2 sesuai selera 

selamat mencoba

' jake and the neverland pirates' goodybags

nindie's 4th bithday goodybag
theme : Jake and the Neverland Pirates

Customized goodybag
Minnie cupcakes
chocolate for the treasure
fancy cookies

Happy  4th birthday deedee sayang

tirsmissu in a cup

tiramissu in a cup
for papi eyang 61st birthday party

Saturday, October 22, 2011

thinker bell's cake for deedee's 3rd birthday

cake yang satu ini bertemakan thinker bell ... kali ini berhiaskan dengan buttercream dikombinasikan dengan sedikit fondant, thinkerbellnya pake topper mainan ajah supaya mirip.

base cakenya brownies chocolate kukus filling chocolate juga ... buat yang senang chocolate pasti nendang banget nih rasanya ....
kue ini kupersembahkan untuk putri kecilku yamh berulang tahun .... semoga panjang umur dan menjadi anak yang sholeha ... amien ... mama dan papa sayang deedee

cowgirl cakes and cupcakes for beverly's 3rd birthday

Cowgirl Cakes and Cupcakes for Beverly's 3rd Birthday
Order by : Lisa Lestari, Rempoa
it's for her daughter birthday party

Base Cakes : Brownies chocolate kukus
Filling : Ganache
Size : 22 cm
Dekor : Fondant with figurines

The barn is dummy

Cupcakes for Goodybags
Frosting : Buttercream w/ simple fondant detail

Happy 3rd birthday Beverly

vintage's cupcakes for ashilla's 17th birthday

Vintages cupcakes for ashila's 17th birthday 
Order by : Tante Chici
Base : Choclate and Vanilla
Frosting : Buttercream

Happy Birthday Ashilla

manchester united cakes

MU cakes
Order by : Halidia, it's a gift for her boyfriend
Base Cake : Brownies Kukus Chocolate
Size : 20 cm
Decor : Buttercream w/ edible image print

mickey and minnie cakes

Mickey and Minnie cakes
Order by : Anthie Arvianto (Butterfly on the Rainbow)
Base Cake : Chocolate
Size : 20 cm

hush puppies cakes

Hush Puppies Cakes
Order by : Ivana, it's for a gift
Base Cake : Brownies Kukus Chocolate
Filling : Ganache
Size : 22 cm
Decor : Fondant

cupcakes set

 Cupcakes Set
 Order by : Risky Inindhita
Flavor : Chocolate

Cupcakes Set
Order by : Syifa (Risky's friend)
Flavor : Red Velvet

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cars Disney Party


Order by : Agnesya bunda habib
Theme : Cars Disney

 The Dessert Table

 Cars 'two tiers' birthday cake 

The Cupcakes

The Mini Cupcakes

The blueberry pastry

The Mini Sandwich

The Marshmallow

The Cholate chips cookies

 Lolly Chocolate & Fancy cookies

 Car Race

Happy 1st birthday Habib
Special thanks for Mba Agnes dan Mas Fathan

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